Amanda Baldwin

Practice Nurse

About Amanda

Our highly-experienced and multi-talented Paediatric Practice Nurse is the first to greet you when you visit the Kids Health GP.


Amanda has been nursing since 2005 and has dedicated over 12 years of her career to working at the Sydney Children’s Hospital Westmead, caring for kids with a range of complex and chronic conditions. Her work on Clancy Ward was particularly challenging where she helped in the recovery of the sickest children with conditions ranging from liver and kidney transplantation, endocrinological, metabolic to haematological conditions.


Amanda has an exceptional understanding of the impact of chronic illness on the daily lives of families as she raises three energetic little boys, the youngest of whom lives with long-term medical needs.


On her days off, you will find Amanda defending on a netball court, cooking up a feast at home or chasing after her boys in the park!


The NCHC team are excited to have her on our side.

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